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alitheia ginete apo apostasi???


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Paidia egw paleyw me to openvpn alla exw kollisei asxima.

Katarxin poia epilogi prepei na parw? Connection between two clients? i between a server and a client?

Deyteron ola kala alla otan den exeis static ip alla dynamic pou allazei kathe toso ti symvainei? Prepei na allazw kai tis rythmiseis kathe toso?

Pantws mou fainetai psilopaketo.

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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Loipon vrika allh lysh.

O odhgos toy filou ktulu_gr einai para poly kalos, alla den einai anagh na kanete vpn gia na pai3oun 2 atoma. Poly apla, me direct ip mesa apo ta menu multiplayer tou paixnidiou kanei o enas host kai o allos kanei join dinontas thn ip tou host. Ka8e fora pou syndeeste sto internet allazei kai h ip opote tha prepei na thn grafete kathe fora. Epishs sthn periptwsh pou yparxei router, tha xreiastei to analogo port forward symfwna me to paixnidi pou paizete.

Egw me ton parapanw tropo epai3a fifa 2005 kai phgainei sfaira!!!


Oson afora to openvpn pou rwtaei o filos pio panw as ginei me connection between two clinets kai ontws kathe toso tha prepei na allazoune kai oi ry8miseis symfwna me thn ip pou sou exei dwsei o provider...


Gia oti allo thelete, edw eimai.

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