Προς το περιεχόμενο

πρόλημα με άσκηση στην c


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


παιδιά μήπως ξέρει κανείς σε αυτό το πρόβλημα που παραθέτω σχετικά με τους πύργους του HANOI


#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare);



int n;

printf("Enter number of rings:");


printf("To move %d rings from peg 1 to peg 2, do the following:\n",n);

hanoitowers(n, 1, 2, 3);


return 0;



void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare)


if (rings = = 1)

printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);



hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);

printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);

hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);





σε ποιο σημειο πρεπει να τοποθετηθουν οι μετρητες για μα λεει σε καθε αναδρομική κλήση της συναρτησης ποίο είναι το σύνολο των δίσκων που βρίσκονται σε κάθε πάσαλο;;;;


Στην είσοδο της recursion, ο start έχει ring δίσκους.

Μπορείς να αξιοποιήσεις αυτό το στοιχείο αλλά μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις μετρητές που να ενημερώνονται απο το "Μετακίνηση απο προς".


---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 22:00 ----------



>void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare)
if (rings = = 1)
printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);
hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);
printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);
hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);

γιατί να μην γραφτεί έτσι;


void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare)
         if (rings){
                  hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);
                  printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);
                  hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);


βασικά το πρόγραμμα όπως ειναι γραμμένο δουλεύει σωστά... απλά εγώ θα ήθελα σε κάθε κίνηση που κάνει, ποίο είναι το σύνολο των δίσκων που βρίσκονται σε κάθε πάσαλο;;;; το δοκίμασα με μετρητές μέσα στην συνάρτηση αλλά δεν μου δίνει σωστά αποτελέσματα....

βασικά το πρόγραμμα όπως ειναι γραμμένο δουλεύει σωστά...

δεν είπα το αντίθετο, απλά με τον τρόπο που ανέφερα δεν χρειάζεται να βάλεις την εντολή printf δυο φορές και απλοποιείς τον έλεγχο τερματισμού.


απλά εγώ θα ήθελα σε κάθε κίνηση που κάνει, ποίο είναι το σύνολο των δίσκων που βρίσκονται σε κάθε πάσαλο;;;; το δοκίμασα με μετρητές μέσα στην συνάρτηση αλλά δεν μου δίνει σωστά αποτελέσματα....

και ο κώδικας που δοκίμασες; Χρησιμοποίησες το στοιχείο που σου έδωσα;


το δοκίμασα έτσι οπως μου είπες και τρέχει σωστά! αλλά δεν ξέρω ακριβως σε ποια σημεία να βάλω τις printf για να μου εκτυπωνει,σε κάθε αναδρομική επανάληψη πόσους δίσκους έχει ο κάθε πάσαλος...

void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare)

if (rings){

hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);



printf("\n Metakinise apo %d sto %d \n", start, goal);

printf("\n o stilos1=%d \n ,o stilos2=%d \n,o stilos3=%d diskous \n",counter1,counter2,counter3);


hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);

printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);



printf("\n o stilos1=%d \n ,o stilos2=%d \n,o stilos3=%d diskous \n",counter1,counter2,counter3);



το δοκίμασα έτσι οπως μου είπες και τρέχει σωστά! αλλά δεν ξέρω ακριβως σε ποια σημεία να βάλω τις printf για να μου εκτυπωνει,σε κάθε αναδρομική επανάληψη πόσους δίσκους έχει ο κάθε πάσαλος...

void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare)

if (rings){

hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);




printf("\n Metakinise apo %d sto %d \n", start, goal);


printf("\n o stilos1=%d \n ,o stilos2=%d \n,o stilos3=%d diskous \n",counter1,counter2,counter3);


hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);

printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);



printf("\n o stilos1=%d \n ,o stilos2=%d \n,o stilos3=%d diskous \n",counter1,counter2,counter3);





ωραία,το αξιοποιώ αυτό που μου λες, δηλώνω τις τρεις μεταβλητές μετρητές counter1 2 και 2 να ειναι της μορφής static μέσα στην συνάρτηση,ακόμα ορίζω η μεταβλητή counter1 ναι έχει ώς αρχική τιμή counter1=rings.


if (rings){


hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);


printf("\n Metakinise apo %d sto %d \n", start, goal);

printf("\n counter1=%d \n counter2=%d \n counter3=%d \n",counter1,counter2,counter3);


hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);

printf("\n Metakinise apo %d sto %d \n", start, goal);



printf("\n counter1=%d \n counter2=%d \n counter3=%d \n",counter1,counter2,counter3);



το start δεν είναι πάντα counter1...


void hanoitowers(int rings, int start, int goal, int spare)
         static int nrings[3] = {...,0,0};
         if (rings){
                [color="Red"] //τωρα ο start εχει rings για μετακίνηση[/color]
                  hanoitowers(rings-1, start, spare, goal);
                  printf("Move from %d to %d \n", start, goal);
                 [color="Red"] nrings[start]--;//μόλις βγήκε ο rings απο τον start και μήναν rings-1 για μετακίνηση
                 nrings[goal]++;//kαι μπήκε εδω[/color]
                  hanoitowers(rings-1, spare, goal, start);


τα start εναλάσωνται συνεχώς, αρα τα nrings[] ενημερωνονται σε κάθε μετακίνηση.


στην ουσία τόση ωρα τον υπάρχοντα κώδικα άλλαζουμε που υπάρχει και τρέχει σωστά.... σχετικά σε ποια σημεία πρέπει να τοποθετηθούν οι μετρητες για να μας δινούν σωστά αποτελέσματα έχεις καμιά ιδέα ποια μπορεί να είναι;;; μην σε απασχολώ και άδικα δεν θέλω. σε ευχαριστώ.


Εκει ειναι οι μετρητες, προσπάθησε να καταλάβεις την αναδρομή και θα δεις και αυτους στο πως λειτουργουν...


Ο αλγόριθμος σου είναι αντιγραφή απο έτοιμο (π.χ. απο εδώ) οπότε αφού τον είχες έτοιμο, δεν έδωσες αρκετή βαρύτητα στο να τον καταλάβεις, αλλά προσπαθούσες να βρείς με δοκιμές μια λύση στην άσκηση που έχεις.


(τωρα θα μου πείς ούτε ο αρχικός συγγραφέας του αλγορίθμου, ούτε οι αντιγραφείς του δεν μπόρεσαν να καταλάβουν τον πλεονασμό που υπήρχε και δίδασκαν στην μορφή αυτή... και περιμένουμε οι μαθητές να καταλάβουν την αναδρομή; )


Για τις δοκιμές σου:

π.χ. το

int main(void){
     return 0;


Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=0	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=1	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=3	Spare=0]


ενω για



έχουμε το σεντόνι:


>Move from 0 to 2 	[start=9	Goal=0	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=8	Goal=2	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=8	Goal=0	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=0	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=8	Goal=2	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=8	Goal=0	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=0	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=0	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=0	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=8	Goal=2	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=8	Goal=0	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=0	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=0	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=0	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=0	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=0	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=0	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=0	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=8	Goal=2	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=8	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=8	Goal=0	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=0	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=0	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=0	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=0	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=0	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=0	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=0	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=0	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=0	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=0	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=0	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=0	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=0	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=0	Spare=8]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=0	Spare=9]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=1	Spare=9]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=2	Spare=8]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=3	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=4	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=3	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=4	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=5	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=6	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=3	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=4	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=5	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=6	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=5	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=6	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=7	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=8	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=1	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=1	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=1	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=8	Goal=1	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=8	Goal=2	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=7	Goal=2	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=8	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=6	Goal=2	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=2	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=2	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=2	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=2	Spare=6]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=2	Spare=7]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=3	Spare=7]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=4	Spare=6]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=5	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=6	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=5	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=6	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=7	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=8	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=3	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=3	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=6	Goal=3	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=6	Goal=4	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=5	Goal=4	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=8	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=4	Goal=4	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=4	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=4	Spare=4]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=4	Spare=5]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=5	Spare=5]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=6	Spare=4]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=7	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=8	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=5	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=4	Goal=5	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=4	Goal=6	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=3	Goal=6	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=8	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 2 	[start=2	Goal=6	Spare=2]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=6	Spare=3]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=7	Spare=3]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=8	Spare=2]
Move from 2 to 0 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 1 to 0 	[start=2	Goal=7	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=2	Goal=8	Spare=0]
Move from 0 to 2 	[start=1	Goal=8	Spare=1]
Move from 0 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=9	Spare=1]
Move from 2 to 1 	[start=0	Goal=10	Spare=0]



Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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