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Req Colin Mcrae II (PC)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

gia tin kinisi pou eipa den enoousa gia to rally masters sto opoio einai teleia <BR>alla gia to mcrae2 opou to aytokinito gyrizei apo ti mia kolia stin alli poly pseftika kai exei polla spasimata<BR>pados opoios thelei na mpei sto multiplayer na paiksoume <BR>ta vradia ginontai megales kodres

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Den ksero eseis ti lete alla ego pou eixa dokimasei to colin mcrae to 1 to brika teleios malakia san gameplay (kai san grafika episis). Kata tin gnomi mou to kalitero Rally (kai racing genika) einai to Sega Rally 2 , toso apo grafika oso kai apo gameplay. Kai den einai mono to arcade, alla exei kai alles pistes kai epitrepei na allakseis diafora sto autokinito...<BR>Osoi den to exete paiksei dokimaste to!!

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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Gia osous endiaferonte cheats gia to Colin Mcrae... Se emena pantos de doulecan ola<BR>An kapios ta dokimasei as mas to pei...<BR>thanx<BR> <BR>type these cheats in at the new driver bit<P>Result Code <BR>----------------------------------------------<BR>Mini Cooper s = jobinitaly<BR>Ford sierra cosworth = jimmyscar<BR>Ford racing puma = coolestcar<BR>monster trucks(only in time trial mode) = easyroller<P>Go to the cheat menu in the options section and put it <BR>to on then press X<P>CheatMode:<BR>----------<BR>All Cars:<BR>Enter ONECAREFULOWNER at the "Create New Driver <BR>Profile" screen. <P>Lancer Road Car:<BR>Enter OFFROAD at the "Create New Driver Profile" <BR>screen. <P>Mini Cooper:<BR>Enter JOBINITALY at the "Create New Driver Profile" <BR>screen. <P>Sierra Cosworth:<BR>Enter JIMMYSCAR at the "Create New Driver Profile" <BR>screen. <P>Ford Puma:<BR>Enter COOLESTCAR at the "Create New Driver Profile" <BR>screen. <P>All Levels:<BR>Enter HELLOCLEVELAND at the "Create New Driver Profile" <BR>screen. <P>Mirrored Tracks:<BR>Enter RORRIMSKCART at the cheat options screen. <P>Shoot Fireballs:<BR>Enter GREATBALLSOF at the cheat options screen. Press <BR>the handbrake to shoot fireballs in arcade mode. <P>Bouncing Collisions:<BR>Enter RUBBERTREES at the cheat options screen. Only <BR>effective in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>No Damage:<BR>Enter FRIDAYSCHILD at the cheat options screen. Only <BR>effective in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>Monster Truck Wheels:<BR>Enter EASYROLLER at the cheat options screen. Only effective <BR>in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>Low Gravity:<BR>Enter MOONLANDER at the cheat options screen. Only effective <BR>in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>Aggressive CPU Cars:<BR>Enter NEURALNIGHTMARE at the cheat options screen. Only <BR>effective in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>Turbo Mode:<BR>Enter ROCKETFUEL at the cheat options screen. Only effective <BR>in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>Faster Game:<BR>Enter PRUNEJUICE at the cheat options screen. Only effective <BR>in time trial and single stage rally modes. <P>Cat Silhouette:<BR>Enter HELLO RAZU AND FLEA at the cheat options screen.<P><BR>

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