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"...After the PS2 modchip-situation is cleared and everybody knows that it will take some time for a modchip to arrive another hot situation appeared: A new PS2 Development Group called Morpheus-Crew claims to have cracked the PS2 copy protection. They say that they developed a boot-cd and with the help of a modified DVD-Burning Software you can make it bootable on the PS2. It shall work like this: There are three toolz that you need. 1) Morpheus-Copy, 2)Morpheus Boot-CD, 3) Morpheus Universal Patcher.<P>Morpheus Copy is the modified DVD Burning Software. With that one you can burn the boot-cd which makes the PS2 think that it should load a DVD-Movie since it is equipped with a DVD-Loading sequence. After the Boot-CD is loaded it asks you to insert the PS2 Backup which has to be patched using the Morpheus universal patcher. Furthermore the Morpheus Crew has set themselves big goals with a Software-DVD Player, DVD-Game ripper, Mp3-Player, PC-Linker and Benchmark..."<P>Source: <A HREF="http://www.gamefreax.de" TARGET=_blank>http://www.gamefreax.de</A>

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H apanthsh erxetai apo to idio to site pou dineis <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> <BR>"..It's 2 days ago now since that so called Morpheus Crew (I guess it's a 1Man Band) did do that big hype about their said PS2 developement we also reported about. I guess you all remember the day the Utopia Boot-CD for Dreamcast got released. Hasn't that Boot-CD been spread over hundreds of ftp-servers and websites within some hours? It did! Nuff said about Morpheus Crew..... ""<BR> smile.gif<P><p>[This message has been edited by GeoGR (edited 28-12-2000).]

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