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Telika pia einai katalhteri thermokrasia gia AMD?


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Emena o Athlon 1800 twra xeimona me anoixto kouti einai 56 max otan pezw paixnidia enw se allo pc me idio cooler ton exw dei 42 bathmous... telika ti ginete? pia einai h thermokrasia pou tha prepei na exei enas AMD etsi wste na kaei h na einai sta oria tou?

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  • Απαντ. 36
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Θεωριτικά μπορείς να είναι και στους 70 και να είσαι μια χαρά. Εγώ πάντως δεν θα ήθελα με τίποτα να τρέχω πάνω από 55 για να μην πω 50...

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<blockquote><font class="small">Quote KWSN-Men:</font><hr> Θεωριτικά μπορείς να είναι και στους 70 και να είσαι μια χαρά. Εγώ πάντως δεν θα ήθελα με τίποτα να τρέχω πάνω από 55 για να μην πω 50... <hr /></blockquote>


Mexri tous 90C lene mhn anyshxeis...poly amfivallw pantws..


Opws leei kai o KWSN 50 me 55 mia xara eisai.Eksartatai panta apo to mobo omws afou paizoune diafores...Oso ligotero toso kalytero omws :grin:

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H AMD dinei 8ermokrasia 8anatou 90-95, oi 8ermokrasies pou blepeis (symfona panta me thn AMD) apo BIOS kai proggys einai -30o ths pragmatikhs opote an deis 60 mporeis na anyshxhseis ;)


Egw me ena fthno full koutaki me 2 anemhsthrakia (1 mpros-1 pisw) kai Volcano 7+ sto low exw se full load (prime95 torture) 52oC

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-30 από την πραγματική;


Οπότε αυτός που έτρεχε με 70 ήταν στους 100 πραγματική; Μήπως τα παραλές;

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re seis....pos eiha tin entiposi oti ta proggys pou deixnoun ti thermokrasia sto leitourgiko pernoun times apo to bios??? Mipos ehoun diko tous ensomatomeno hardware thermometro pou mpenei extra pano stin psiktra?? Ego soa progs dokimasa na metriso thermokrasia me to pou ekana restart kai empena bios mou edeihnan akribos tin idia temp....


bebaia mporei kai na kano lathos....

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Στις μητρικές όπου δεν διαβάζει την θερμοκρασία από το Thermal Diode του επεξεγαστή μπορεί να υπάρξει διαφορά γύρω στα 10οC σε σύγκριση με αυτά που δεν διαβάζουν από την Thermal Diode. Όχι όμως και 30oC διαφορά... όλα και όλα.

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auto to -30 tis kanonikis den ufistate...lathos thermokrasia vlepeis merikes fores se kapia mobos tis Asus provlima pou diorthonete me bios update..Oso gia thn thermokrasia thn diki mou.Me mia fthnh psixtra spire kai enan anemistira apo plagia tou koutiou.Exo cpu 40-45 kai system mexri 34.Pisteuo arketa kales.Ston kausona den varese pano apo 50 pote.:)

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Kai gia tou logou to alh8es....


I sent an e-mail to AMD asking about CPU temperatures and they sent me a FAQ on Athlons and on the temperature section they said the following

"2.1. Thermal solutions

2.1.a What is the normal operating temperature of my processor?

2.1.b What is the maximum operating temperature of my processor?

2.1.c What temperature value should be reported by the BIOS?

2.1.d I am running a temperature monitoring software, what temperature reading am I expected to see?

Answer (Same for all):

Our current AMD processors are specified to have a die temperature of 0°C - 90°C or 0°C -95°C, depending on the CPU model.

These are the temperature ranges we specify our products to. We cannot guarantee any reading you get from the motherboard, using the BIOS or

third party monitoring software. As a general guideline, the temperature difference between the die and the bottom of the CPU is about 30°C.

It is worth noting that the maximum temperature of the CPU is reached when running heavy applications such as 3D Games etc Therefore one

should allow an extra 10-15°C for safety if you are reading from the BIOS s! et up.

An approximation to the typical reading from a BIOS or an external software utility is expected to be around 60ΊC-65ΊC or lower."

So thats the official AMD word on things i just thought you might be interested.



Fantazomai avrio 8a exw apanthsh kai sto diko mou mail...


Rspct to A3TeRnuS

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<blockquote><font class="small">Quote nm2001:</font><hr> emena xp2000+@1750 me swiftec kai lian-li kleisto ta misa fans sta 7v kai ta alla misa fans off idle auti ti stigmi 28 case 40 cpu <hr /></blockquote>


28 case? Ki ego exo 28 otan exo anoixto to para8uro edo Agglia kai pagwnw, gia na exeis 28 case shmainei oti exeis katw apo 28 ba8mous sto dwmatio!!! Ego pantos sunh8os exo 32-33 case kai 49 peripou CPU me ola ta fans sta 7 Volts me kleisto kouti panta..Me anoixto kouti exo pio pshles 8emokrasies (36 case kai 52-53 CPU)..Ola auta me [email protected]..

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Egw exw ena Spire panw stid 4200 kai ena sta plagia apo mia palia mou karta grafikwn kai mou trexei stous 55 - 56 xeimona, vgalei kai eixa xanavalei Heatsink Compounds Silver panw kai ton erixa stous 46 varhmous me ena cooler alla meta apo mono tou pali anevene siaga siga kai twra to stamatisa ekei me to deftero cooler. Mou fenete pos siga siga prepei na valw sovara sto mialo thn agora enos Volcano prin psisw kafe panw.

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Εγώ όταν είχα Athlon XP 1800+ με gbyte 7VRX,έπαιζα σε 48-51 βαθμόυς,με ένα cooler των 23 euros.Η ιδανική θερμοκρασία που λές είναι υποκειμενικό διότι εξαρτάται το περιβάλλον που βρίσκεται ο υπολογιστής και όχι μόνο βέβαια.

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