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Dead Space 2


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Ρε dude ήταν engineer, ήταν. Μετά από 500 decapitations δεν θεώρησε πια μηχανικός :P


Οκ, θεωρήσαι γ*μιάς μηχανικός. :P

Τώρα δηλαδή πήρε προαγωγή σε spec ops; :P

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  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Dead Space 2 Preview

Isaac's back and looks better than ever.


When I think of the original Dead Space, I remember being strapped for ammo and loving it. It always seemed like I was one bad shot away from being completely defenseless against a sea of Necromorphs that wanted to tear off my head or hack apart my limbs, and that made the experience exciting. One moment during my Dead Space 2 demo makes me think this sequel can live up to the original: our hero Isaac Clarke rounded a corner, entered a hallway, and a crew of creepy, bloodthirsty villains exploded from the air ducts. There wasn't enough ammo to take out each and every baddie, so the player aimed past the bad guys, pulled the trigger, and shattered the glass separating the air inside from the vacuum of nothingness outside.


In an instant, everything changed. Sirens went off, the bad guys were sucked out, and Isaac fell on his back. Inch by inch, the engineer was being pulled down the hall and out to certain death. To save himself, Isaac needed to shoot an airlock switch located above the blown out glass. When he pulls off the shot, a metal window shade shoots up and shields him from the cold darkness of space. When he misses, Isaac claws to keep himself in the station – half of his body in safety and half exposed -- but eventually the metal door slams shut and cuts him in half.


Space could be the coolest weapon in Dead Space 2...



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  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Riccitello: Dead Space 2’s online will be “innovative”


Worried that your online experience of killing necromorphs in Dead Space 2 will be shit? Worry no more: EA CEO John Riccitello has said the horror’s online experience will be “innovative”.


It’s got some really innovative online gameplay,” he told Industry Gamers.


He also revealed how much of a fan he is of the Visceral series.


I’m personally a nut about Dead Space. Rare is it for me to finish a game on more than one platform, but I did in the case of Dead Space, and Dead Space 2 is more than a worthy sequel; it’s going to be a monster. So I’m really, really pleased with that.


What Dead Space does is it’s a thinking man’s game in addition to being a great action adventure title. So, we get the action in the game, lot of shooting, really different weapons…I love the puzzles. I love that to conquer this game you have to use your brain.”

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Βασικα φαινεται ποιο 3rd persone ΚΛΑΣΣΙΚΟ...

πυροβολας ζομπι κλπ..Μην αρχισουμε παλι εινια δεν ειναι 3rd person..

Το αλλο ηταν πιο αργο πιο ατμοσφαιρικο.!!

Ενταξει αν επαιζες ακριβως το ιδιο μπορει και να βαριωσουν..

Απλα θελω να ελπιζω να μην το καναν "call of duty" :P

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