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Starcraft 2


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Επαναλαμβάνομαι πάλι, αλλά δεν βρήκα κάτι ανατρεπτικό.

Συνέχεια προδοσίες και τέτοια παίζουν. Και η μανία της Blizzard να πιάνει βασικό καλό και να τον/την κάνει κακό.


Στο Diablo 1, ο πρωταγωνιστής γίνεται ο υπέρ-γ@μάω κακός του D2.

Αφού ο βασικός κακός πεθαίνει στο 1, αυτός γίνεται ο βασικός του 2.


Στο StarCraft η Kerrigan (ή όπως γράφεται), γίνεται η υπέρ-γ@μάω κακιά, σκοτώνει μετά αρκετούς ήρωες. Αφού ο βασικός κακός του παιχνιδιού πεθαίνει, αυτή γίνεται ο βασικός κακός του Expansion.


Στο WarCraft III, ο Arthas γίνεται ο υπέρ-γ@μάω κακός και σκοτώνει επίσης πολλούς ήρωες. Αφού ο βασικός κακός του παιχνιδιού πεθαίνει, αυτός γίνεται ο 2ος βασικός κακός του Expansion, αλλά αφού κάνει τον Illidan να φάει χώμα, τότε γίνεται ο βασικός κακός για μετά. :P


Κάπως έτσι.


Δύσκολο γενικά να υπάρξει πρωτοτυπία πιστεύω.


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It is official! Karune confirmed that Blizzard Entertainment will be at E3 2007 through July 10-13. A week ago, I reported that Karune would also be at the San Diego Comic Con to be held on July 26-29. If you didn't get a BlizzCon ticket, this could be your very opportunity to see Starcraft II at E3 and San Diego Comic Con.


Karune: " Blizzard will be at E3 this year. Members of the Dev Team for Starcraft II and I will be there showing off bits of the game to the press. Look forward to seeing you there if you're going.


Update: Kotaku got word from Blizzard, E3 and San Diego Comic Con will be a visual demonstration of Starcraft II. No hands-on gameplay. BlizzCon will be the first time the public is able to play the game at

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Five StarCraft II Announcement Videos Added



We have added five videos to the StarCraft II movies section. Watch the official unveiling of StarCraft II as it was presented at the 2007 Worldwide Invitational in Seoul, Korea! The new movies include:


* Introduction by Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment

* Blizzard Retrospective, a look at Blizzard's history

* Cinematic Trailer Introduction by Mike Morhaime

* Gameplay Demonstration narrated by StarCraft II lead designer Dustin Browder

* Artwork Trailer Introduction by Dustin Browder


Check out these clips and more here.



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We have a lot of units going into StarCraft 2 right now. Many of these units you have already seen, others you havent had a chance to hear about yet. We have a few rules for our units:


1) A unit should have a cool personality. A unit must be something that is fun to play with.


2) A unit should have their own very unique role on the battlefield.


3) A unit should be fun for the enemy to try to deal with. Generally this means good strengths and interesting weaknesses.


Theres a lot more to it of course (how intuitive it is, will it balance well, etc) but thats the basics. Right now we have a lot of units on the Protoss. Not every Protoss unit you have heard about is going to make the cut. They are in training camp. We put them in the game and we see how they do. We compare them to some other units and see how much overlap there is between various units in the game. We compare units that are similar and then we make the call. Which unit is cooler? Which unit has a more unique role? Which unit is more fun to fight against?


Sometimes units will get cut. For example, the Soul Hunter is not going to show at Blizzcon. He appears to have failed his training period. He was kind of cool, but not cool enough. Some other units that you have seen are going through some significant changes. They have adapted and may yet survive. Thats how we do it. Being able to try units out before we decide if they are going to be in the game or not is a huge advantage for our development process and its an opportunity that not every developer gets. Well give you more specific information on the Protoss as we figure it out. Even what you see at Blizzcon will be work-in-progress. After Blizzcon things will most definitely continue to evolve.

source: http://www.battle.net/forums/thread.aspx?fn=sc-general&t=210968&p=1post210968


episis yparxei kai ena "leak" gia terran units sta koreatika sites







me kapoia endiaferontai units kai addons se yparxonta units


to Siege Tank einai etoimo sxediastika, alla den tha parousiastei prin thn Blizzcon

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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

SC2: Super Play reveals new Terran units *


Swedish magazine Super Play had an exclusive look at the new StarCraft 2 game. In it, they show a bunch of new Terran units. How about a Viking Fighter, Thor and the Sensor Dome?


It was in Super Play where there was an article about StarCraft 2. Apparently the writers of the Swedish gaming magazine got an exclusive look on the game. In the article they say that the Protoss race was the only race they got to play, but they were also shown a couple of Terran units, shown below.




"Twilight Archon: Sacrifice two Dark Templars and booyah! You have the bad ass Twilight Archon - but you probably knew that already."


"High Templar: Recognize this one, mayhap?"


"Dark Templar: Damn Dark Templar! The second game was over after exactly 15 minutes when a German ran in to my base with tre invisible Dark Templars and killed most of it. I didn't have time to build an Overseer that can detect invisible units."




"Marine: StarCraft wouldn't be anything without its Marines, which are the backbone in the Terran armada."


"Planetary Fortress: Terran head quarters can be upgraded to Planetary Fortress. It is a head quarter with one hell of a defense weapon on top."


"Thor: The phattest new guy's name is Thor and has his name from the god of thunder. One of these babies can take down a base on his own."


"Sensor Dome: With one of these sensors you can see enemy units on the map even if they move over undiscovered areas."


"Ghost: Yep. The Ghost is there, again."




"Say hello to the Terran's own transformer. The viking can change shape from an airplane to a walking robot. Really nice if you fly to an enemy base and gets attack by an air force."


"Supply Depot: New in the earthlings base is a building that can pack itself up and be lowered down below the surface so your units may pass over it. It works nice as a first obstacle at your base in an early stage."


Keep in mind that this is from a magazine, but Super Play has a good reputation in Sweden, and are often invited to exclusive previews like these ones. And if you take a look at previous screenshots, you find some of these new units in them, such as the Sensor Drone, and Thor.


UPDATE: Karune, Blizzard Representative of SC2, confirms the above:


"Just to confirm, these units revealed are official units that are being tested and played with in the current version of StarCraft II. Feel free to speculate, but always know that there is more information about all of these units, that'll be released over the coming months.


In the words of Dustin, "Nothing you see here is FINAL."


Enjoy :)"

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η κατάσταση, θυμίζει σε κανέναν άλλο pro-oblivion εποχές;


Ακόμα θυμάμαι σαν χθες εκείνους τους 4-5 μήνες (Νοέμβριο '05 - Μάρτιο '06) που γινόταν βομβαρδισμός από video της Bethesda και όλοι ήμασταν στο πόδι από την αναμονή! Δε μου κακόπεσε καθόλου τελικά. Μακάρι να επαναλήφθεί και στο SC2 η ίδια ιστορία.

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