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Doom [2015 μάλλον]


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........ πολύ φωτεινές τις βλέπω τις εικόνες και ανησυχώ!


Δεν θα έχουμε τον φακό στο ένα χέρι και το όπλο στο άλλο τουλάχιστον. :-D

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Καποιες με αρεσαν, αλλες παλι οχι και τοσο. Απο οτι καταλαβα πανε να δημιουργησουν σκηνικο hell on earth ala Doom 2. Παντως δεν ξερω, στις εικονες τουλαχιστον κατι με χαλαει. Μοιαζει πολυ κοινοτυπο.

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Id responds to alleged DOOM 4 image leak


Rumors began swirling earlier this week that Doom 4 had been canceled. Accompanying said rumors was a batch of supposed screenshots or artwork. In addition to refuting the cancellation rumors, id has now responded to the images as well.

While not directly denying their relationship to Doom 4, id's Matt Hooper, design director of Rage, tweeted that the images "have nothing to do with what you're gonna see in Doom 4." Hooper added, "When we officially show things you'll see awesome." Responding to another tweet, Hooper noted that when the official reveal is made, "fans will be happy." For what it's worth, the leaked images show what appears to be a ravaged planet Earth, perhaps giving a nod to Doom 2: Hell on Earth.
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Id responds to alleged DOOM 4 image leak


Rumors began swirling earlier this week that Doom 4 had been canceled. Accompanying said rumors was a batch of supposed screenshots or artwork. In addition to refuting the cancellation rumors, id has now responded to the images as well.


While not directly denying their relationship to Doom 4, id's Matt Hooper, design director of Rage, tweeted that the images "have nothing to do with what you're gonna see in Doom 4." Hooper added, "When we officially show things you'll see awesome." Responding to another tweet, Hooper noted that when the official reveal is made, "fans will be happy." For what it's worth, the leaked images show what appears to be a ravaged planet Earth, perhaps giving a nod to Doom 2: Hell on Earth.


ναι θα βγάλουμε και τις σούβλες να ψήσουμε αρνιά για τα γραφικά της 7900 gt που πας να μας φορτώσεις, που πα ρε καραμήτρο, γύρνα πίσω στα πισιά που σε τάισαν και σε μεγάλωσαν (τις τσέπες σου τουλ)..

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Bethesda confirms work on a "new version" of Doom 4, plans for Rage 2 ditched

Bethesda has confirmed development of a "new version" of Doom 4, apparently planned for the next-generation of consoles - but the game appears to be a long way off.


Sources speaking with Kotaku claim the release date is up in the air after a reboot in late 2011. Development is "not going well" according to one source, although Bethesda, owner of id Software, claims the game is still in the works.


"An earlier version of Doom 4 did not exhibit the quality and excitement that id and Bethesda intend to deliver and that Doom fans worldwide expect," Bethesda's marketing boss Pete Hines said in a new statement.

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