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Aπεριόριστο ρεύμα με νερό από τον κύριο Ζωγράφο


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Τέλος πάντων προτού κλειδωθεί για να δούμε τον αντίστοιχο αμερικάνο Ζωγράφο...
Energy company Joi Scientific claims it can revolutionize hydrogen economy — without evidence

Startup Joi Scientific is claiming to have perfected a method of extracting hydrogen from water that would revolutionize green energy production, both in the United States and across the world. This new technology, dubbed “Hydrogen 2.0,” supposedly solves all of the problems related to a hydrogen economy. But the company can’t tell anyone what it is, how it works, or what processes they’ve used to leapfrog the laws of physics.

Κάτι μου θυμίζει... :rolleyes:

The other alternative is electrolysis, which hasn’t proven cost-competitive for a variety of reasons. There are a number of ways of performing electrolysis, and they range in efficiency from 50-80%. Electrolysis is considered to be three to 10 times more expensive than natural gas reformation.

2ος νόμος , κόστος κ.τ.λ.. :rolleyes:


Joi claims to have solved problems related to the “total costs and logistics of [hydrogen] production, storage, and distribution.” Its videos claim that the company has accomplished these breakthroughs by “extracting the know-how of nature as opposed to manipulating nature.”



“The extraction process frees hydrogen from its oxygen bond without chemicals or electrolysis, and without any greenhouse gas emissions.”


Κοίτα να δεις ποιος άλλος λέει παρόμοια πράματα... :rolleyes:



“Because it’s produced on-demand at the point of use, Hydrogen 2.0 no longer requires a massive, expensive infrastructure for safe storage and distribution.”


Λες και αντιγράφουν τα κείμενα του Ζωγράφου...



The implication here is that Joi hasn’t just solved electrolysis — it also managed to solve all of the attendant problems of the hydrogen economy. This is where things take a turn into utter absurdity. Free hydrogen, once produced (by whatever method), has to be contained within materials that won’t degrade due to continued exposure to hydrogen gas, and that the gas itself can’t permeate and escape. The reason no one builds “on-demand” infrastructure for hydrogen is the same reason cars don’t contain an “on-demand” refinery that turns crude oil into gasoline right inside your tank.

And that’s assuming Joi has come with a hitherto-unknown method of creating hydrogen that requires neither electrolysis nor ‘chemicals,’ yet mimics “nature.”


Αναρωτιέμαι αν ο τύπος στο Αμέρικα έχει επίθετο Painter ξέρω γω... :rolleyes:



While Joi Scientific does at least have an its own independent address, there are no patent applications, research papers, or documented evidence of what it claims it’s done.


Εμείς τουλάχιστον έχουμε πατέντα...



When a company claims to have made a fundamental breakthrough that eliminates the need for electrolysis, chemicals, on-site storage, transportation infrastructure, and all of the safety requirements of the above, it needs to present evidence to support its promises. Joi Scientific’s presentations are anything but.


Κοίτα να δεις τι ζητάνε και αυτοί οι περίεργοι, αποδείξεις... Μήπως να τους φέρουμε και αυτούς στην ζούγκλα; :rolleyes:


Τσίμπησαν στο τέλος και $5 εκατομμύρια από κάποιες εταιρίες...


Τέτοιο deja vu ούτε στο Matrix δεν γινόταν... B)

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