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Audi A1 1.4 122hp s-tronic αποψεις!


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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
1 ώρα πριν, NickTG είπε

Πλεμπα, τι περιμένεις. 

Δεν μας είπες και για το σασμάν αν είναι το ίδιο αξιόπιστο. 

Το πρόβλημα που έγκειται, στην ενδεχόμενη αλλαγή πολυδίσκου (aka μια 400αρα,γιατί έτσι); Ακριβό αναλώσιμο είναι. Απλά ο Έλληνας θα πρέπει κάποια στιγμή να ξεκολλήσει από την λογική "ο δίσκος μου θα χαλάσει μόνο αν γίνει πυρηνικό ολοκαύτωμα" 

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Αν είναι μόνο αυτό μια χαρά. 

Βέβαια αν τρώγεται κάθε 40000χλμ για παράδειγμα πάλι θα πρέπει ο αγοραστής να το ξέρει εφόσον μιλάμε για μεγάλο κόστος. 

Οι περισσότεροι γνωστοί μου δυστυχώς δεν είχαν αλλάξει μόνο πολυδισκο. 

Αντίθετα με τον κινητήρα μόνο ένας είχε σοβαρά θέματα και μάλιστα ήταν με τον δίλιτρο. 

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24 λεπτά πριν, NickTG είπε


Αντίθετα με τον κινητήρα μόνο ένας είχε σοβαρά θέματα και μάλιστα ήταν με τον δίλιτρο. 

....να μαντέψω: το κλασικό πρόβλημα με την αστοχία σχεδίασης στην αντλία λαδιού? Γλύτωσε τον στρόφαλο τουλάχιστον η στροφαλος-κουζινετα-μπιελες έγιναν ένα σώμα μια ψυχή?

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30 λεπτά πριν, NickTG είπε

Αν είναι μόνο αυτό μια χαρά. 

Βέβαια αν τρώγεται κάθε 40000χλμ για παράδειγμα πάλι θα πρέπει ο αγοραστής να το ξέρει εφόσον μιλάμε για μεγάλο κόστος. 

Οι περισσότεροι γνωστοί μου δυστυχώς δεν είχαν αλλάξει μόνο πολυδισκο. 

Αντίθετα με τον κινητήρα μόνο ένας είχε σοβαρά θέματα και μάλιστα ήταν με τον δίλιτρο. 

Όλα είναι σχετικά. Θα μπορούσα να (ξανα)γράψω ολόκληρη έκθεση για το Ιαπωνικό που είχα στην κατοχή μου, αλλά γνωρίζω a priori ότι δεν θα αγγίξει καν γιατί ο Gr ™ καταναλωτής είναι biased AF. 

Απο την αλλη, δεν γίνεται ο κόσμος να το 'χει τούμπανο για τα ΦαουΒε, αλλά να συνεχίζουν να πουλάνε τα "σαπάκια" τους, χρεώνοντας μάλιστα premium. Η κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την αγορά ή μας ψεκαζουν. 

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34 λεπτά πριν, Tenshi είπε

Απο την αλλη, δεν γίνεται ο κόσμος να το 'χει τούμπανο για τα ΦαουΒε, αλλά να συνεχίζουν να πουλάνε τα "σαπάκια" τους,

Για να συνεχίζουν τα φαου βε να πουλάνε παγκοσμίως πολύ καλά ακομα,προφανως δεν είναι σαπακια.

Όπως και να έχει οι υποκειμενικές σας απόψεις περί αμαξιων δεν έχουν καμμία σχέση με το θέμα.

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
34 λεπτά πριν, jmmys είπε

Για να συνεχίζουν τα φαου βε να πουλάνε παγκοσμίως πολύ καλά ακομα,προφανως δεν είναι σαπακια.

Όπως και να έχει οι υποκειμενικές σας απόψεις περί αμαξιων δεν έχουν καμμία σχέση με το θέμα.

Προφανώς ο γραπτός λόγος αδυνατεί να μεταφέρει σαφώς τον σαρκασμό στο μήνυμά που  (είχα και προσανατολίζομαι ξανά σε όχημα του εν λόγω Γερμανικού group), παρ'όλα αυτά θα σταθώ στο εξής:

Αντικειμενική απόψη δεν θα λάβεις σε κανένα φόρα,πολύ περισσότερο δε όταν ο νηματοθετης ξεκινάει ένα θέμα ζητώντας ακριβώς αυτό, προσωπικές απόψεις.Θα σε παρακαλούσα λοιπόν να αφήσεις το moderating στα άτομα που έχουν επιφορτιστεί με το συγκεκριμένο έργο. 

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
Στις 15/2/2019 στις 5:13 ΜΜ, jmmys είπε

.Εδώ μονο θα σε μπερδέψουν επειδή τα γερμανικά αμάξια και τα μη "ελληνικα" είναι κοκκινο πανί.😀


Όσο για τα αλλα που ειπες,οκ άποψη σου.

Αντικειμενικη άποψη μπορεί να πάρει από άτομα που έχουν ή είχαν το συγκεκριμένο αμάξι.

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1 hour ago, TechnoState said:

....να μαντέψω: το κλασικό πρόβλημα με την αστοχία σχεδίασης στην αντλία λαδιού? Γλύτωσε τον στρόφαλο τουλάχιστον η στροφαλος-κουζινετα-μπιελες έγιναν ένα σώμα μια ψυχή?


Η αλήθεια είναι πως δεν θυμάμαι ακριβώς. 

Πάντως μετά από όλα τα προβλήματα ο ίδιος αγόρασε πάλι όχημα από το VW group απλά γιατί αυτά που ήθελε δεν τα έβρισκε αλλού. 

2 hours ago, Tenshi said:

Όλα είναι σχετικά. Θα μπορούσα να (ξανα)γράψω ολόκληρη έκθεση για το Ιαπωνικό που είχα στην κατοχή μου, αλλά γνωρίζω a priori ότι δεν θα αγγίξει καν γιατί ο Gr ™ καταναλωτής είναι biased AF. 

Απο την αλλη, δεν γίνεται ο κόσμος να το 'χει τούμπανο για τα ΦαουΒε, αλλά να συνεχίζουν να πουλάνε τα "σαπάκια" τους, χρεώνοντας μάλιστα premium. Η κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την αγορά ή μας ψεκαζουν. 


Το θέμα πάντα σε όλα αυτά είναι τα ποσοστά. 

Θα μπορούσα και εγώ να λέω ότι στα Punto δεύτερης γενιάς δεν χαλάνε τα τιμόνια μιας και το δικό μου δεν έπαθε ποτέ τίποτα. Αλλά ξέρουμε ότι σε μεγάλο ποσοστό είχαν πρόβλημα. 

Επίσης δεν είναι για όλους κύριο μέλημα η απόλυτη αξιοπιστία ενώ τα αυτοκίνητα τους έχουν σίγουρα άλλα καλά πράγματα. 

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Το αμάξι είναι μια χαρά. Το μόνο που διαφωνώ είναι το υπερτιμημένο του θέματος, αλλά έτσι είναι αυτά, αλλιώς δεν θα πουλούσαν ούτε η Audi ούτε τα mini Cooper κλπ...

Οπότε αν σου αρέσει και έχεις τα λεφτά go for it.

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9 ώρες πριν, jmmys είπε

Audi βλέπει όχι Hyundai.

Μπορείς να δεις και την σειρα 1 της BMW,έχει αρκετα μέχρι τις 10 χιλιάδες.

Φυσικά όταν πας σε τέτοιες μάρκες,θα υπολογίζεις τα λιγο πιο ακριβά ανταλλακτικά,αν πας σε γνήσια δηλαδή.Λογικο.

Το καλοστημένο αυτοκίνητο στον δρομ9 στην κλάση του 

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Ο ενας λεει ετσι ο αλλος λεει αλλιως.. πωπω πραγματικα με μπερδεψατε! Ναι ναι τα καταφερατε!!

Για να απαντησω λοιπον,οχι δεν ενδιαφερομαι αποκλειστικα για το Α1,θα με ενδιεφερε κ Golf  1.4 και bmw 116... κ θεωρω πως καπως ετσι θα ξεφυγω κατηγορια.. το Α1 οχι δεν θεωρω πως ειναι της ιδιας κατηγοριας με το δικο μου! Καμια σχεση! 

Και επισης ναι το σκεφτομουν για καινουριο Α1 αλλα δεν θελω να μπλεξω με τραπεζες δωσεις κτλ,οποτε λεω να το αφησω αυτο το σεναριο..

Το απλο το Α3 δεν μου πολυ αρεσει εμφανισιακα,εκτως αν βρω κανενα sline


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2 ώρες πριν, Tenshi είπε

Όλα είναι σχετικά. Θα μπορούσα να (ξανα)γράψω ολόκληρη έκθεση για το Ιαπωνικό που είχα στην κατοχή μου, αλλά γνωρίζω a priori ότι δεν θα αγγίξει καν γιατί ο Gr ™ καταναλωτής είναι biased AF. 

Απο την αλλη, δεν γίνεται ο κόσμος να το 'χει τούμπανο για τα ΦαουΒε, αλλά να συνεχίζουν να πουλάνε τα "σαπάκια" τους, χρεώνοντας μάλιστα premium. Η κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την αγορά ή μας ψεκαζουν. 

Αγαπητέ δεν συμφωνώ σε αυτά που γράφεις εν μέρη . 

Τα ιαπωνικά έχουν μειονεκτήματα , όπως κακή ηχομόνωση , αργό τιμόνι , κακή αίσθηση στις στροφές , 

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What to watch out for

With DSG and S tronic, protective software can delay the message from brake switch to ECU that brakes have been released, allowing car to enter a junction or roundabout on the fuel in the combustion chambers, then momentarily shut off mid-junction.

28-02-12: Diesels not suitable as driving school cars because of the rough treatment they get. Two different A1 clutch/DMF failures notified same day, both at 11 months old and 16,000 miles.

3-3-2012: Three further clutch/DMF failures notified, one at 12 months old, two more each at 9 months old.

22-03-12: Strange (hopefully one-off) case of catastrophic and incurable water ingress into Audi A1 1.4 TFSI Sport bought new on 22-11-2011.

03-05-12: Extended delivery dates for 1.2 petrol models. Reader ordered on 17-3-2012, quoted delivery 1-6-2012, then, 5 weeks after order, was requoted delivery in August 2012.

14-12-2012: Some early adopters are making a fuss because their A1s came with elements for heated door mirrors, but no power supply connection to make them work. This is now fixed on current A1s.

11-1-2013: Warranty on s-tronic 7 speed dry clutch DQ200 gearbox extended to 5 years or 150,000 kilometres in Russia and China.

12-1-2013: DPF problems reported on A1 1.6 TDI owned for just 2 months, used for short runs and only taken on a motorway once a week. Buyer should have bought a petrol model.

16-2-2013: MUST leave in 1st or reverse gear when parking on an incline (as per driver's manual) because parking brake can let go as brake discs cool off.

10-12-2013: Nowhere to put a full sized spare wheel in a 1.4 TFSI because the battery lives in the spare wheel well. Audi offers a space-saver spare wheel fitting kit that locates the space saver over the battery, but reduces boot space slightly.

14-3-2014: Report that 2013 Audi A1 1.4 TSI needed new exhaust system including cat converter, costing £1,200, after 20,000 miles, consisting mostly of short runs of 5 - 10 miles.

21-8-2014: Severe oil consumption reported by owner of 2013 Audi A1 1.4 TFSI 185 S tronic, purchased at 1,203 miles in July 2013 that required four top-ups by 6,052 miles. Audi dealer stated that half a litre per 1,000 miles is "acceptable".

27-9-2014: Reader report of sticking window seals on his 2011 Audi A1. Some postings on an Audi owner's forum state that early Audi A1s have a known problem with sticking windows which is due to a sticky residue in the manufacture of the seals. This is only temporarily 'cured' by lubricating the seals.

20-11-2014: Audi A1 manual suffered transmission failure at 24,500 miles and 3 years 5 months of age. A gearset had 21 teeth, some of which were found to have broken. When a replacement gearset was sourced it was found to have been modified to 19 teeth, necessitating a new 2nd gear on the shaft. (Presumably this must be a problem with Polos, Ibizas and Fabias as well, unless it only occurs on the 1.4TSI?)

2-2-2015: Audi A1 apparently suffer from condensation problems at low temperatures: Reader has a 2013/63 A1 S Line 1.4 TFSI. Suffers with terrible condensation and on occasions it can take up to 20 minutes to De-Mist. Audi says nothing they can do as this is due to 'atmospheric' conditions. They admit there is a Technical De-Brief available on the vehicle which states that when temperatures hit 5 degrees or below the AC system will fail totally or not work correctly.

11-3-2015: Brand new Audi A1 1.6 TDI Sportback delivered with a loose nut on the fuel line from the high pressure to the fuel rail. Diesel all over the engine. Fire brigade called.

1-6-2015: Used 2011 Audi A1 purchased from Audi dealer in March 2014. Coil spring snapped in October 2014, replaced under warranty. In May 2015, turbo oil seals and DPF failed resulting in £2,850 of damage. Reader did not understand DPF regeneration. Basically the DPF regenerates passively by itself every time you take it for a run of 20 miles or more, but to back this up the systems are pre-programmed to introduce extra diesel to the engine every 250 miles or so to burn off any residual soot in the DPF. If the car is not driven far enough often enough, or if it is repeatedly switched off while active regeneration is taking place, some of the diesel introduced for the purpose dribbles down into the sump, eventually raising the sump oil level to the point where the damage you experienced occurs or, at worst, the engine starts to run uncontrollably on its sump oil, cannot be 'switched off' and blows up.

25-10-2015: Clutch of 2014 Audi A1 petrol model failed at 15,000 miles. Estimated £1,150 to replace. Could have been caused by failure of clutch slave cylinder.

28-10-2015: Noisy timing chain reported on 2 year old Audi A1 1.2 TFSI

22-1-2016: EA189 1.6TDI diesel engine of 2011 Audi A1 mysteriously caught fire 800 yards after starting from cold in very cold ambient temperature. Audi is investigatiing.

16-3-2016: Report of 2012 Audi A1 "spontaneously combusting" but no detail in report so cannot establish why. See: 11-3-2015.

20-4-2016: Report of Audi A1 1.6 TDI needing new clutch, dual mass flywheel and clutch slave cylinder. Quoted a reasonable £700 by independent garage.

17-5-2016: Report of failure of multi media (MMI) system on 2011/61 Audi A1 TFSI 185 S Line. Audi dealer quoted £3,500+ to replace it but also offered a £1,500 contribution if owner traded it in against a newer Audi.

20-8-2016: Another report of sticking front window channels, this time on a 2014 Audi A1. Dealer suppled a can of Brake and Clutch cleaner and told her to clean the seals with it herself.

8-10-2016: Yet another report of sticking front electric windows, this tyime on a 2012 Audi A1 on which they are reported to have been sticking from new. Window cable replacement on a Polo on which the A1 is based suggests it might be a window regulator cable problem.

18-10-2016: Report of Audi A1 owner being charged £300 for "diagnostics" by an Audi dealer in order to carry out work otherwise free of charge under an extended warranty.

14-11-2016: Numerous reports of front windows of A1 sticking. One reader tells us "the window door rubbers are coated with a shiny protectant which goes very sticky." Cures are to clean the rubbers and window channels with a cloth soakes in WD40, silicone spray or 3-in-One oil. The other reason for the sticking is th weak regulator mechanism adapted from the VW Polo donor car.

18-1-2017: Report of water sloshing about in the tailgate of a 2012 Audi A1 with 20,000 miles. Owner had read that rear light cluster seals fail. But could be that the tube to the rear washer nozzle popped off inside the tailgate.

23-1-2017: Another report of water sloshing about in the tailgate, this time of a 9 month old 2016 Audi A1. Water then leaks into the car creating moisture that concenses and freezes on the insides of the windows. Likely to be for same reasons as 18-1-2017.

28-1-2017: Since the S tronic recall to replace synthetic oil with mineral in 7-speed dry clutch 'non maintenance' DSG, a maintenance regime of an oil change every 40,000 miles has been imposed.

11-4-2017: Report of Audi A1 Sport 1.6 TDI running much less responsively after NOx emissions fix. Drop in performance denied by the Audi dealer that carries it out.

3-7-2017: Report of EPC (Electronic Power Control) light coming on three times in an Audi A1. Local garage unable to fix. Likely to be the accelerator pedal switch needs replacing.

18-7-2017: Emissions light came on immediately after NOx emissions fix of Audi A1 2.0 TDI. Probably a failed EGR.

18-7-2017: Report of engine of September 2011 Audi A1 S Line 1.4 TSI Twincharger 185 completely failing at 65,000 despite the owner recently havind spent £3,000 on a repair to cure a "rattling noise". There had been low compression in all the valves, they removed the cylinder head, found the timing cvhain had stretced and the valves been damaged, they replaced the cylinder head, lots of gaskets were used, sealer seal rings, timing track and tensioners, etc replaced, oil filter coolant and supercharger water pump and they found supercharger pulley noisy also did a full oil service and filled with oil. 3 months later engine totally failed and dealer quoted £7,500 for a new engine which is more than the value of the car.

26-8-2017: Report of problems through the life of a January 2013 Audi A1 bought nearly new in April 2013: In September 2014 there was an issue with the power steering pump. This was followed in April 2015 by a fault with the fuel actuator; March 2016 a caliper sticking; April 2016 broken spring; and January 2017 another broken spring.

13-9-2017: Reader told that leaking rear damper on 23,000 mile 2014 Audi A1 found at its first MoT was "nornal" for a modern car, would not be replaced under 3 year warranty, and if he wanted it replaced it would be £245.10.

3-11-2017: Report of Audi dealer making an 'advisory' of a weeping rear damper on another 2014 Audi A1 at 23,000 miles its first MoT while the car was still under warranty. Dealer wanted £265 to replace the damper. Owner asked Audi to honour the valid warranty and to replace the deteriorating damper, which they categorically refused, stating that most modern cars have this problem. Reader then wrote formally to the Head of Business for the Franchise where the car was purchased from new, asking for the damper replacement and he also refused. His description of the problem as ''Misting'' was the third excuse given by Audi, as the Service personnel had variously described it as ''Weeping'' and ''Leaking''. Reader taking it to Small Claims.

21-2-2018: January 2012 Audi A1 1.4 TSI at 15,000 miles failed MoT on emissions. Read 0.68 (max 0.2) and Lambda 2.44 (max 2.0). Probably been run on cheap 95Ron Supermarket petrol with a lot of short runs from cold starts.

22-2-2018: Report of October 2014 Audi A1 1.6 TDI blowing up. 4.3 litre capacity sump contained 8.5 litres of oil. Car had previously been serviced at 13,807 miles 15 months previously and has passed its MoT with no advisories or excess fluid levels 3,102 miles and 4 months previously. Can only conclude that the engine suffered excessive post-injection of diesel to actively regenerate the DPF and that is what rtaied the oil level, causing it to blow up.

26-3-2018: Audi A1 owner fitted a space saver spare wheel to his car and failed to notice two spikes in the wheel well installed to keep the polystyrene infill in place. These punctured his new spare in the sidewall, necessitating replacement of the tyre.

24-4-2018: Report that "numerous things have gone wrong" with 2014 Audi A1 1.4 TSI Sportback now at 20,811 miles. These were fixed under the 3 year warranty. Then in March 2018 the Turbo Charge Pressure Actuator had to be replaced. As this was 5 months out of warranty owner was billed £431.12, but was told that further investigation might be required. So far dealer has offered me 50% off next service in recompense.

30-6-2018: Mechatronics faulure reported in 2013 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSi 122 S-tronic at 37,500 miles, bought used with full Audi service history.

21-8-2018: First the turbo of a 2013 Audi A1 1.6TDI failed, then the ECU failed, both within 18 months of used purchase in 2017. Fortunately owner had a 2 year used car warranty.

24-8-2018: Report of corroded and pitted rear brake discs on 2015 Audi A1 1.4 TFSI TS150 at 29,000 miles. Discs and pads replaced with no Audi items at owner's expense.

14-2-2019: Report of turbo of lightly used 2015 Audi A1 1.6TDI failing at 13,000 miles sending parts into the engine and causing catastrephic engine failure. Audi dealer said owner was entirely blameless and is securing a new engine and turbo from Audi free of charge (£7,000) but want to charge £2,000 in labour to fit the new engine and turbo.

41 complaints received since 28-2-2012


3-7-2012: www.autoevolution.com reports We have been informed that owners of Euro-spec VW cars (Polo, Golf and Scirocco) are reporting similar problems to the ones that caused a massive recall in China (500,000-strong). The issue has been reported in France, where owners of the aforementioned cars started reporting hearing strange noises coming from the gearbox, which lead them to believe that there may be a design flaw which wears the mechanisms inside it prematurely. 

The culprit is VW’s latest twin-clutch setup, the seven-speed DSG7, which reportedly makes the ‘strange noises’ when shifting from 4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd and 2nd to 1st, inside the car. However, outside, a different sound is audible, a metallic and repetitive sound which is made when the car goes over speed-bumps. Whatever it is, it sounds serious, especially since owners first began to hear it “a few weeks after delivery” (of the car) - nothing should wear out that quickly. 

Also, since the problem in China was never really solved, as they just increased the warranty coverage to 10 years, it will be interesting to see how VW handle this problem in a market very close to home - France. Furthermore, the angry group of French VW owners claim that Seat, Skoda and Audi drivers are also reporting the same problems, so If this report turns out to be accurate, it will spark further outrage and may dent VW’s famed ‘bulletproof’ reliability record.

12-6-2013: Australian VW DSG Recall

and Australian VW DSG You Tube Video

Due to electrolysis, the DSG 7-speed transmissions are susceptible to conductive deposits forming in the gearbox control units, possibly causing the gearbox fuse to blow. Should this happen, the clutch will fully open due to power supply failure, causing the vehicle to roll to a stop if in motion. In the majority of cases, the fault occurs when the engine is started with the vehicle stationary. If the fuse blows while the vehicle is in motion, however, a sudden loss of power at the wheels could in certain circumstances occur while the vehicle is being driven. This may pose a hazard to the vehicle occupants and other road users. All other functions of the vehicle (steering, braking, etc.) remain fully active.

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